Select the appropriate link to contact us regarding any of the following subjects.
Desk Staff: The Desk Staff is located in the Capitol, Room 307. Telephone: (916) 651-4171 or (916) 651-4181
Senate Journal: The Senate Journal is the official record of business for the Senate and is published on a daily basis. The Journal lists bill introductions, parliamentary motions, roll call votes in policy committee and on the Senate Floor. Any official action taken by the body is recorded in the Senate Journal.
Senate History: The Senate History shows all actions taken on measures from the start of a legislative session. It contains detailed actions taken on Governor's appointments requiring Senate confirmation. Also, the History is a source for several useful charts such as tracking member bill limits, chapters and vetoes.
Senate Daily File: The Senate Daily File is the agenda for all Senate business for each legislative day. Agendas for policy committee meetings along with what measures are eligible for floor actions are listed. Also included are policy committee memberships, number of measures introduced, deadlines and a session schedule.
Bill Amending Unit: The amending unit is responsible for amending, changing the contents, of all legislation. A piece of legislation rarely goes through the legislative process in its original form or as it was introduced. The amending process allows the author and the house to work through the technical and substantive issues so the bill in its final form is acceptable to all.
Senate Floor Analysis Unit: The Floor Analysis Unit is responsible for providing members with an analysis of all measures and amendments taken up on the Senate Floor.
Engrossing and Enrolling: Located in the Legislative Office Building, Room 281, engrossing and enrolling consists of comparing the printed copy of a bill to the original introduced language and any amendments adopted to ensure that it is the official language adopted by the House. Once deemed correct and engrossed it shall be substituted for the original bill. For enrollment a bill is examined to make sure the copy passed is correct. Once deemed correct, the bill is transmitted to the Governor. Telephone: (916) 651-1558